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Up to 45% Off a Lakefront Getaway at the Avalon Eco Resort

Avalon Eco Resort


$89 for a 1-Night July & August Stay for 2 People in Cabin 7 - Bunkie (a $113 Value)


$109 for a 1-Night July & August Stay for 2 People in Cabin 6 - The Church (a $163 Value)


$50 for a 1-Night July & August Stay for 2 People at a Campsite (a $70 Value)


The Deal

What you get

July to October 20 Stays for 2 People - Valid Mon to Thurs:

  • $89 for a 1-Night Stay in Cabin 7 (a $113 Value)
  • $109 for a 1-Night Stay in Cabin 6 (a $163 Value)
  • $50 for a 1-Night Stay at a Campsite (a $70 Value)

Please see the Fine Print for details and restrictions.

Fine Print

  • Voucher valid for stays between June 1 - June 30, 2024 OR July 1 - October 20, 2024 based on option selected
  • Expires June 30, 2024 OR October 20, 2024
  • June stays valid any day of the week
  • July and August stays valid for bookings Monday to Thursdays
  • Limit 5 buys per person, may buy additional as gift(s)
  • Rate is based on 2 people, each additional person is $40.00/day
  • Children aged 12 and under are free
  • Reservation required - call or email merchant to book
  • Cannot be combined with other offers or promotions
  • Paid value never expires
  • Does not include tax or gratuity. No cash value. No cash back.

Refund Policy

BeRightBack values fantastic user experiences. We want to be the best part of your day. If you're not happy with your purchase, please let us know why (we like lots of juicy details) and our customer service team will work with you to make things right.

Review our refund policy here.

Avalon Eco Resort


Avalon Eco Resort 476 Highway 637
Killarney, Ontario, P0M2A0, Canada Phone: (249) 805-0159
See Location
Click here for more details.

Avalon Eco Resort provides a great home base for vacationers visiting the Killarney area and the Killarney Provincial Park. Avalon Eco Resort is located on Tyson Lake which offers great paddling, exploring and fishing adventures. The resort provides you with the perfect off-the-grid experience, helping you enjoy the beauty and peacefulness of the outdoors. 

All Cabins include: Park pass to Killarney Provincial Park, complimentary canoes & kayaks, complimentary firewood, fully equipped kitchens – stove, fridge and heater, solar and propane lighting, outdoor fire pits for cooking and campfire, filtered Tyson Lake water that is treated with UV light, and USB port to charge electronic devices. 


Cabin 1 – Nesting Eagle: Waterfront cabin with large deck. Two bedrooms, each containing 1 double bed and 1 twin bed

Cabin 2 – The Barn: Open concept with large Deck and queen sized bed 

Cabin 3 – The Shamrock: Waterfront cabin with large deck & your own dock. Two bedrooms, first contains 1 double bed. Second contains 1 double bed & 1 bunk bed

Cabin 4 – The Singing Loon: Waterfront cabin with large deck & your own dock. Two bedrooms, first contains 1 double bed. Second contains 1 bunk bed

Cabin 5 – The Dawn: Waterfront cabin with large deck & an extra large dock shared with cabin 6. Two bedrooms, each containing 1 double bed & 1 single bed

Cabin 6 – The Church: Waterfront cabin with large deck & an extra large dock shared with cabin 5. Open concept cabin with 1 double bed

Cabin 7 – Bunkie: Open concept cabin with a deck


Campsite 1 – Berry Patch: Accommodates a small pop-up trailer or a couple of larger tents

Campsite 2 – Twin Pin Platform: Sits on a platform between two pin trees. The campsite overlooks the East Bay on Tyson Lake & Hwy. 637

Campsite 3 – Lakefront: Accommodates a small to a medium sized tent


About Avalon Eco Resort

Click here for more details.
Avalon Eco Resort


Avalon Eco Resort 476 Highway 637
Killarney, Ontario, P0M 2A0, Canada Phone: (249) 805-0159
See Location
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